Author Topic: halftrack recovery in poland  (Read 3391 times)


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halftrack recovery in poland
« on: October 23, 2011, 04:03:49 PM »
i received an email from one of the people involved in this recovery. they are trying to identify the model halftrack but they have not found any of the rear armor or frame. i did mention that the m2a1 stamped there hood numbers in the bogie casting. thats about the only chance if they don't find more parts.

great story and pics though

here is the email

we found remnants of a second world war vehicle which were sunken in the swamp.

                After recovery we found out that these are elements of US Halftrack vehicle, which was sent to Soviet Army according to Lend-Lease Act. After the war, the vehicle had been disassembled by local residents so we were able to recover only a few parts, like one of the bogies, elements of gearbox, a motor head and a nameplate from the gearbox. These parts are now being renovated and during these works we found several signatures of “White” company. We are going to assemble one side of the chassis and show it at local museum.

                Therefore, I`m kindly asking you a few questions:

                -Is it possible to identify the exact type of this halftrack using attached photos?

                -To complete the bogie we still miss a control arm (ARM.ASS”Y(R.H.) C86088) and bogie top rollers. Is someone able to sell or give these two parts to us?

                I kindly please for some help.

                Here`s the link to article on my webpage, which describes a recovery action (in Polish):